Thursday, October 8, 2009

Maybe patience is a virtue after all

I just read an excellent article on TechRepulic by Debra Littlejohn Shinder entitled, "10 dumb things users do that can mess up their computers". All 10 were good, but I especially like #7 Click on everything, and #10 Ignore the need for a backup and recovery plan.

This brings me to the point of this post. Too often when working with students, family members, or computers users in general we have an itchy trigger finger. Instead of reading what the question in the dialogue box, thinking about the source of the hyperlink that we're about to click, STOP! Wait for a moment and think about the possible consequences of that click. Resist the urge to click "Yes" or "No" until you've read the question.

Inadvertant clicks can cost you lost data, productivity, and potentially your computer. This brings me to my final point: backup your data on a regular basis. How often? I'm glad you asked! Backup your data at least once a month. You may need to back it up more often if you've got your memoirs, doctoral dissertation, or the cure for cancer on your hard drive. Back up your data and slow down...stop clicking so fast!


  1. I am member of genration Y, and so I always grew up with computers.
    Let me rephrase that, I grew up playing video games on computers. Somehow that has made me click on everything I can find.
    Data loss is always a scary thing, and there is really no excuse when you can set these programs to back up your files automatically.

  2. This is a practice I will adopt to ensure stored data is kept up to date.

  3. I think anything you say is fine.

  4. After reading the article "10 dumb things users do that can mess up their computers", in my opinion 7 and 10 are the most important things on the list of things NOT to do. Number 10, ignoring the need for a backup and recovery plan is very dangerous. Your data could get corrupted or even get wiped out by a hardware problem, so it is very important you save your data on another device. Number 7 is equally important as you can get viruses by clicking on on any and every hyperlink, it can will allow hackers entry into your computer and it can also wipe out your hard drive. It can also take you to inappropriate websites which if you are on a work computer can get you in trouble or even terminated depending on the website.

  5. After reading the article, I realized that I have learned over the years to follow the first 8 things, but need to do a better job on the passwords and the back up discs.
    I've had a friend backup my computer in the past, but don't really know what to do myself. Is there a good source to check out on how to do it properly? It's been a worry and I would prefer to start doing in on a monthly basis.

  6. Thjis is true and applies to me. I never back up my data although I have lost information in the past. Yes, I am a fast clicker so now that I have read this I will slow down and definitely back up my data.
